
Below is a list of the courses I have taught. All my courses follow an open-science approach, with non-sensitive materials published on public GitHub repositories. If you're interested in any of my courses, click the hyperlinks to access their corresponding GitHub repositories.

Graduate-Level Courses

  Research Design and Methods in Quantitative Research, University of Lucerne (2024)

Undergraduate-Level Courses

  Political Culture, University of Lucerne (2024)

  Electoral Behavior and Party Competition: Continuity and Change in Western Europe, University of Lucerne (2023)

  Comparative Western European Party Systems: Continuity and Change, University of Lucerne (2022)


  In addition to teaching, I supervise Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. To date, I have supervised (or am currently supervising) five BA theses and two MA theses at the University of Lucerne.