Here, you can explore my ongoing and published research, including working papers, projects in progress, a link to my PhD dissertation, research grants I have secured as Principal Investigator (PI), and additional experience in collaborative research projects.
Working papers
Canalejo-Molero, Á. & Le Corre Juratic, M. Blinded by Out-group Hatred. Why does Radical Party Entry Reduce its Voters’ Satisfaction with Democracy [Preprint] (Under review)
—— Djøf Forlag prize for the best paper presented by a junior researcher at the 2023 Danish Political Science Association conference
—— Wilson award for the best paper on French politics presented at the 2022 APSA meeting
Padilla-Galviz, E. S. & Canalejo-Molero, Á. Does Losing Affect Democratic Attitudes and Preferences among Rank-and-File Politicians? A Comparative Study in 27 Elections (Under review)
Padilla Moreno-Torres, J., Canalejo-Molero, Á. & López Ortega, A. Bukele in Brussels? Explaining the Rise of the Spanish Far-Right SALF (Under review)
Canalejo-Molero, Á. Boost or Backlash? The Heterogeneous Effects of Parliamentary Representation on Satisfaction with Democracy [Preprint]
Le Corre Juratic, M. & Canalejo-Molero, Á. Assessing the Severity and Nature of Losers’ Consent Erosion in Polarized Societies (Working paper available upon request)
Canalejo-Molero, Á., Bürgisser, R., van Ditmars, M. M. & Trechsel, A. H. The Political Conflict Potential of Digitalization (Working paper available upon request)
Canalejo-Molero, Á. Does New Party Entry Increase Electoral Turnout? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the 2015 Spanish Local Elections (Working paper available upon request)
Canalejo-Molero, Á. Disruptive Elections and their Implications for Satisfaction with Democracy (Working paper available upon request)
Work in progress
The Spillover Effects of Center-Periphery Dynamics on Politically Disenfranchised Regions (with Padilla Moreno-Torres, J.& López Ortega, A.)
Reducing Affective Polarization with VAAs (with Cicchi, L., Ferreira da Silva, F., Garzia, D., Reiljan, A. & Trechsel A. H.)
Depolarizing Interventions before the European Parliament Elections (with Cicchi, L., Ferreira da Silva, F., Garzia, D., Reiljan, A. & Trechsel A. H.)
The Politicization of Digitalization (with Flechtner, M. & Trechsel, A. H.)
Can Parties Mobilize Voters over Digitalization Issues? (with van Ditmars, M. M. & Trechsel, A. H.)
PhD Dissertation
I defended my PhD dissertation at the European University Institute in June 2023. The thesis is published in an open repository in EUI Cadmus. You can click the hyperlink to access my dissertation:
Canalejo-Molero, Á. (2023). New Party Entry and Political Engagement: Electoral Turnout and Satisfaction with Democracy. Florence: European University Institute, 2023, EUI, SPS, PhD Thesis
—— Committee: Hanspeter Kriesi (supervisor), Elias Dinas, Chris J. Anderson, Ruth Dassonneville
Research Grants
This is the list of research grants that I have secured in competitive processes as PI or co-PI:
Small Grant Aarhus University (35,000 DKK), with Morgan Le Corre Juratic (2024)
UniLu FoKo Funding (12,231 CHF), with Alberto López Ortega and Javier Padilla Moreno-Torres (2023)
EUI Mission Funding for Research Activities (2,547€), with Morgan Le Corre Juratic (2022)
Additional Research Team Experience
Since 2022, I have been part of the project DIGIPOL, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and led by Prof. Alexander H. Trechsel. DIGIPOL explores the early politicization—or lack thereof—of digitalization issues from both the demand and supply sides, with a specific focus on Switzerland. Since June 2023, I have served as the Scientific Coordinator of the project.
From December 2023 to July 2024, I have been part of the EU&I 2024 project as a member of its Scientific Committee. This project, based at the EUI, developed a cross-national Voting Advice Application for the 2024 European Parliament Election, reaching almost 2 million users. The project has produced valuable party and VAA-user-level data, as well as experimental results on the effect of VAAs on various outcomes (see Work in Progress above).
Additionally, I have worked as a country expert and research assistant in numerous projects since my undergraduate studies, including ERC projects such as SOLID and POLCON, as well as EUANDI2019. Other projects focused on Spanish politics include ¿Por qué odiamos la política?, Parlamentarios y Sociedad, and ICOSOP.