Some of my work has been featured in scientific blogs and covered in general-interest newspaper articles. Below is a selection of these highlights.
El test para orientar tu voto en las elecciones europeas, ElPeriódico (2024)
A quién votar en las elecciones europeas: el test para saber el partido con el que te identificas, OndaCero (2024)
How and who to vote for in the European elections? An app to help you, VoxEurop (2024)
Unsure how to vote in the European elections? This online tool could help, Times of Malta (2024)
Which political parties match your views? New online tool lets voters check the parties they are aligned with, The Irish Times (2024)
Le rôle de la polarisation affective (FR, EN), Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (2023)
El perfil del nuevo Congreso: menos partidos, pero más diverso, ElPaís (2016)
El nuevo Congreso, ElPaís (2015)